When you connect OpenVPN on connecting process it show warning about Cache Password in Memory. The password may be contain on a bit of memory address. This issue can be fix follow video.
When you have many user on your organization. local user management on pfsense may not easy to manage user. Free radius is user management that better than local user management. It can limit bandwidth per user apply on captive portal, static IP for user, etc.
Captive portal feature is authentication portal before client access to the internet. It check authorization of user to access the internet. You can authentication on captive portal with AD user but first, you must connect fortigate firewall with AD.
Bandwidth internet from ISP are limited. If you have many client and you are not control bandwidth. Finally, total bandwidth are insufficient. Recommendation, you should enable captive portal for filter client to use your internet and limit bandwidth per user by captive portal. Limitation bandwidth on captive portal do not exempt by user it apply to all user. Step As Video
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